Tasmanian Oak in Frankston with a 2pac polyurethane Finish

This floor here is quite typical of the Tasmanian Oak floors we do throughout the Frankston area. The home is some 40 odd years old and was built in the time when strip timber flooring was used, rather than particleboard as we use these days.  Given the age and depth of character shown in the boards it's not at all unusual to see many people removing the old floor coverings and having us come in and to sand and finish the boards. As you can see in the following pictures it's so worth doing.
About to fine sand with a 40 grit buffing disc

Here, you can see how efficiently we're able to sand out the
scratches left behind from our big sanding machines.
This section here was in a walk-in wardrobe which was too
small to swing a cat in....so, this technique works a treat in
such areas.

The Tasmanian Oak boards are all sanded smooth with our
40 grit buffing discs ready to have the nail holes filled.

The nail holes are filled with Timbermate putty. With the
holes filled we then buff the boards again, this time with
a finer 60 grit buffing disc.

The coating begins..., and doesn't that colour just pop.

We roll the 2pac polyurethane on with foam rollers

Here we have applied the second coat which will be dry in
less than an hour

Such a clean, smooth sanding finish

The final coat of 2pac has been applied 

The 2pac polyurethane will provide the very best in protection...

....in fact, there is no harder floor finish on the market

Not only is the 2pac polyurethane tough, it also looks good.

The depth that the coatings give the Tasmanian Oak is stunning

All up another brilliant Tassy Oak floor.

This particular job consisted of three bedrooms and a hallway which you can expect to take some 3 to 4 days to complete, depending on condition and drying times. Which isn't too bad considering how great they come up once sanded and finished.


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